The most visible part of our ministry is our clinic. Centro Medico San Lucas has been an incredible vessel God has used to save many lives and provide healthcare to the Yucatan peninsula, but the truth is that the hospital is just a door. It is a door into ministry and a door into the local community. It is an opportunity to share the gospel and show the love of Christ. And that has always been our top priority.
So while the most visible part of our organization is certainly the hospital and our summer mission trips, what most people may not realize is that we employ full time ministry staff who do “mission work” all year round, even without volunteers. Pastor Ibarra and Elsy have the opportunity to minister to the local community in Valladolid and surrounding villages in many ways- ministering to the Adopt A Patient recipients, training local pastors and teaching local leaders, quarterly conferences and now, the bag ministry. This ministry was created organically from a very specific need in our community following Covid-19 and in the midst of a very harsh hurricane season. We coordinated with pastors in our network to find the people with the greatest need and then this network began to grow. We were delivering back across the whole peninsula, and at one point the Covid restrictions were so strict that it took multiple drivers to pass along bags at security checkpoints to even get the bags into certain villages.
You can watch the video below to see exactly how it all happened and hear from two local pastors, Pastor Bautista and Pastor Andreas, who we got to interview about the current situation in Yucatan. The greatest victory from this ministry has been the relationships formed with local church communities and our prayer is that as our foundation and our ministry grows, we’ll be able to give resources and training to even more churches across Yucatan and all across Central America! God is opening doors and we are running through them.
Mission Bag Video:
If you would like to contribute to the fund for the bag ministry, you can click the link to donate and write ‘bag ministry’ in the memo. Our greatest need is relief for the local community, which also extends to our Adopt A Patient ministry where many are currently waiting for surgery. If you would like to join our email list for quarterly ministry updates, comment below!
Praise God!