Missions exist to connect us with others as we partner to build the Kingdom of God. Join us and help make a difference as we share what God is doing locally, nationally, and around the world.

We are pleased to announce a number of upcoming mission trips that will typically have a medical component AND a local village or community training / service / outreach component, for which no prior medical experience is required. We think you will find something that catches your eye if you feel called to serve on missions.

Each trip is based on a recognized medical need and is also connected to a network of over 120 local churches and villages or communities who have made specific needs and activities requests.


DateMission tripLocation
January 7-14HF Baylor ENTValladolid
February 3-10HF Family Practice ENT (Alpha)Valladolid
February 10-17HF Family Practice ENT (Beta)Valladolid
March 2-9HF NON SurgicalValladolid
March 9-16Dental/Women/OrphanUganda
March 9-16Westside Family ChurchValladolid
March 17-23HF Clemson – ENTValladolid
Mar 25 – Apr 7OU MYValladolid
April MaySurgical/ICU/Refugee CampIraq
May 25 – June 1OU DentalValladolid
June 19-26Graceway VBSValladolid
June 27 – JulySummercamp/ESLArmenia
Aug. 25Surgical/Refugee CampIraq
September 29Service ProjectValladolid



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