I want to help

The importance of donation and volunteering.

A fundamental part of the growth of Fundación Médica San Lucas is thanks to the multiple altruistic actions of thousands of people, who wholeheartedly have collaborated economically and have dedicated part of their time for the benefit of others, making it possible to impact the lives of all those people who are most disadvantaged.

Within our mission we seek to increase our impact on society with feelings of love, compassion, acceptance, and generosity.

You can make the difference that the world needs.


If you are Mexican and have a desire to participate as a volunteer. Please send an email to recursoshumanos@medsanlucas.com with a brief description of your profile, skills and wishes.

If you are a US citizen and have the desire to volunteer. Please send an email to missions@medsanlucas.com with a brief bio in which you describe your skills and desires.


If you are Mexican and have a desire to participate as a volunteer. Please send an email to recursoshumanos@medsanlucas.com with a brief description of your profile, skills and wishes.

If you are a US citizen and have the desire to volunteer. Please send an email to missions@medsanlucas.com with a brief bio in which you describe your skills and desires.

You can also make your donation to:
BBV Bancomer (Mex)
Account: No. 0153082555
Clabe: 012580001530825550
Account Name:San Lucas Medical Foundation, A.C. 

Mailing a check within the United States.

Please make checks payable to:
Graceway (Please add FMSL in the Memo)
5460 Blue Ridge Cut-Off
Kansas City, MO


*As a 501 (c)(3) we can issue tax-deductible receipts for your donations.

Adopt a patient

Adopt a Patient is a program that allows impoverished people to have access to highly specialized surgical procedures at symbolic prices.

The program may cover all of the points below or just some of them.

  • Transportation to the CMSL
  • Surgical procedure
  • Transportation back home after surgery
  • Internal Medicine Pre-Surgical Consultation
  • Pre-surgical internal medicine consultation
  • Hospitalization
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